7 Things to Do With Your Rose Buds


Roses are usually adored for their loveliness and fragrance and known worldwide as the symbol for love, warmth, and beauty. But roses bring more to the table than its pretty petals are known for. Not limited to decorating your home or given as a gift during Valentine’s Day or any other celebration, these gorgeous flowers come in hundreds of variants and have many uses that might surprise you. Take rose buds, for instance. 

Rose buds have long been used as a great herbal medicine since the Tang Dynasty while the use of rose petals in cooking dates back centuries. It is believed that the Greeks were the first to cultivate roses around 500 BC in Greece, and its buds and petals were used and infused in baths and oils. Rose buds and petals have been popular because of its distinct aroma and lightly sweet floral flavours which help soothe and elevate your mood and well-being. 

If you are looking to buy rose buds, here are ways on how you can get the most out of it.

Cook with rose petals and buds

One of the simplest things you can do with rose buds and petals is to add it to your cooking. You can grind them into a sweet or savoury spice mix or use them to make floral-flavoured sugar for your confectionary concoctions. If you want to get the most out of your rose petals, you can infuse them in sugar water or any syrup or cocktail and add some of it to your sponge mix, custard, or gelatine. Most times rose petals are used for decoration in desserts, dishes, and beverages. 

Make Rose Tea

Roses have been used as a medicinal and herbal tea for thousands of years, with its rich floral aroma and subtle sweetness that offers many health benefits. Rich in antioxidants such as gallic acid, anthocyanins, kaempferol, and quercetin, rose tea helps in neutralizing free radicals and contribute to your overall immunity. Make sure however to use quality edible rose buds and edible rose petals in order to get that perfect floral taste and scent. Remember to use high-quality tea as well.

Infuse rose in honey

If you want to experiment and make rose-infused honey or syrup, you can easily do so by adding edible rose buds and petals to mild-flavoured honey. Leave the dried buds and petals for a few days then strain the honey after that. Perfect for snow cones and other desserts, rose-infused honey will surely be a must in your pantry once you get started.

Use in bath

If you’re looking to ease your mind, body, and soul after a tiring day, a soothing bath with rose petals or buds might just be the solution. A mixture of sea salt, Epsom salt, and organic rose petals or rose buds will soothe and rejuvenate your mood. Doing so will also leave your skin much softer right after the bath. Many experts vouch for the skin rejuvenating properties of rose petals and rose buds. 

Apply to your skincare 

Popular for its alluring fragrance and beauty, roses have also been a staple in skincare products. Rose petals and buds contain anti-inflammatory and stringent properties which help nourish the skin and make a great addition to your skincare routine. Body scrubs, balms, lotions, and oils all can be infused with rose petals and buds. 

Create rose salve and lip balm

Having trouble with dry skin and chapped lips? You can combine rose petals and honeysuckle to create the perfect moisturizing balm to keep your lips plump and your skin hydrated. The anti-inflammatory properties of rose petals help in soothing your dry skin without making it sensitive.

Whip up a rose body scrub

An added delight to your bath-time routine, rose body scrubs offer a natural alluring fragrance along with its skin rejuvenating and cooling properties. Combine fine brown sugar, essential oil, and sea salt with your rose petals or rose buds that have been broken down to finer pieces using a food processor. Mix and add more oil until you get your desired consistency. 

While there are only 7 reasons listed above, there are a lot more as to why you should try using rose buds and rose petals now. Its benefits are more than you can imagine and most revolve around health and beauty. Rose buds and petals also have a wide array of applications, ranging from culinary uses to skin care regimens.  Delicious, fragrant, and blooming with health benefits, buy rose buds now and experience this flower’s innate wonders yourself.

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