Alaskan King Crab: Some things to know

Like eating Alaskan king crab legs? Today, we’ll talk about Alaskan King crab. Also called giant red crab, Kamchatka crab or Alaskan spider crab. When they are larvae they live in surface waters where there is more food and protection, from two years they live at depths between 20-50 meters and when they are adults they are usually more than 200 m in the sand and muddy areas of the substrate.

The shell of the royal crabs can reach up to 28 cm and its legs 1.8 meters. They can weigh 12 kg. Males grow more than females. Today, red crabs rarely exceed 17 cm wide in the shell and the average weight of males is between 3-5 kg. The qualifier of red does not really come from its color when it is alive but from the one it has once cooked, since when it is alive its color is more burgundy.

The king crab has five sets of gills to breathe that are found in the gill chamber inside the shell. To induce a stream of water in the gill chamber, the crab draws it from behind the legs and then ejects through the gill chambers through the prebronchial openings located next to the mouth. The average age of adult specimens that are not captured is 15 years.

The Alaskan King Crab is one of the most expensive dishes that exist, but this is due to the great process behind it. In fact, no matter how king crab price is considered unreasonable by some people, the crab is still sought after by seafood lovers. Maybe their favorite questions they often raise are “where to find king crab legs near me?”, “How can I find king crab legs for sale?”, “How much is king crab legs price today?” and so on.

Fishing for this great crab is considered the most dangerous job in the world. The fishing season is every October and around 250 ships leave from the Dutch Harbor to the Bering Sea. In that season the waves reach up to 12 meters with winds of 128 km per hour. Therefore they are at risk of being struck by the traps for crabs weighing 318 kg. 80% of fishermen who go out in search of this coveted specimen die drowned. And those who survive usually return with wounds on their hands and even broken ribs.

Each crab weighs up to 12 kilos and measures up to two meters from end to end. The boats usually hunt 7 thousand tons of crab per season, with a value exceeding 70 million dollars. So if you order a saucer from the Alaskan King Crab, think about the work behind. In other words, every time you buy Alaskan king crab, you have to realize that the high price is reasonable.

Where to buy King crab legs? Alaskan crab, especially may be quite expensive for some people but it is comparable to how difficult they are captured (taking into account the costs, risks and so forth). We, as consumers, are now benefiting from online trading so that no matter where we are, we can easily get Alaskan crab-based products from online seafood stores. There are many online stores that sell marine products and they make it easy for us to enjoy marine products that are even quite rare. Confused of finding king crab legs on sale? That’s the past!


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