How Beer Has Become The Most Popular Drinks Around The World?

The harvest festival began for the nuptials of Prince Ludwig and Princess Therese in 1810 with the Marzen, the traditional beer which was brewed massively in March and consumed across the summer till the celebration finished in Oktoberfest. Nowadays, the two-week festival gathers more than six million participants a year who consume more than seven million letters of cold beer. Only six local brewers are allowed to sell beer in Munich’s Oktoberfest, and the beer in Oktoberfest is described as a masterpiece of balance and integration. Eventually, the Oktoberfest brings a substantial amount of money for Munich. Enjoy the best delicious beer in Mad Hatter Pub.

People have been enjoying and celebrating beer for centuries. When people get associated to toast, a community is formed. This is eventually considered good for health. A study by CAMRA has revealed that watering hole improves social skills resulting in life satisfaction. The communities and friendship have impact on health and many studies have established the correlation between good health and social ties.

But the potential question is why beer has become a communal brew than the sine and liquor? Beer can be a moderate drink with far less alcoholic content in comparison to wine and alcohol. It has been proved that various types of alcohol create different types of emotions. But the beer leads to a more positive experience. Among 10 American adults, 6 adults consume alcohol and beer is the most favourite among all. In a 2017 research, 26% of the total participants preferred liquor while 30% liked wine, but 40% opted beer. As per a study, beer has been more popular among women than men.

Getting associated with beer has more meaning than creating a sense of community. This serves the purpose of enjoying the company of others beyond home and work. The bars are the places where you are neither family members nor co-workers, still, this is the place where value, gossip, interest, complaints and encouragements emerge. It is a place one step ahead of office and family, and yet familiar with the associates and their relationship.

Some brains in LEED confirm that the bar is the community asset as the third space. This is the reason the beer lovers are expanding to the local brewery from the corner bars. One more evidence of how beer has become the most popular drinks of the era is revealed by a recent study which found that 80% of total Americans stay or live within the 10 miles periphery of a brewery.   

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