Take These 8 Essentials When Heading To A Beach Bar In Singapore!

All thanks to mother nature! Summer is bouncing back your way after all the rains and stormy days! And when summertime is here, it also means BEACH SEASON! Yay! If you’re planning to head to a beach bar in Singapore anytime soon, you should prep ahead. Being excessively prepared can help you make the most of your vacation and save money in the long run.

To all beach lovers at heart heading to Siloso and finding a beach bar, take these essentials with you before sailing away to paradise.


When heading to any outdoor bar in Singapore, protect your skin and bring sunscreen! Save yourself from the intense pain of sunburn and sun poisoning. Try sporting one safe for marine life, reefs, and the environment.


If you ever need extra protection while relaxing in an outdoor bar in Singapore, consider investing in a sunburn relief gel.


There is not enough emphasis on bringing a cover-up. When heading to a beach bar in Singapore, always carry one to stay exceptionally stylish and comfortable. This piece of clothing can also help keep you warm. You can effortlessly put this on between your swimmies when grabbing lunch or resting on a sun lounger.


It is with utmost importance that you need sunglasses when heading to an outdoor bar in Singapore. Who would dare risk their eyes getting blinded by the sun? Human eyes are sensitive to the sun, as the sun rays can damage your eyesight and lead to more significant problems in the future.


If you want to skip the glasses, consider carrying a sun hat with you on your journey to an outdoor bar in Singapore. Protect your eyes from sun glare, and bring yourself something to give you shade. That is why a hat can work, too.


You are definitely going to need beach towels in a beach bar in Singapore. Most resorts and cruises will likely provide one for you, but since it is a beach bar, bring one to be 100% sure.


To hydrate your grace and face at an outdoor bar in Singapore, bring a facial spray to help moisturise and tone your skin.


Staying excessively hydrated is super crucial. Take a water bottle with you when heading to an outdoor bar in Singapore!

Now that you got these essentials ready, you can go to a beach bar in Singapore all prepped up! Consider adding Bikini Bar to your list. Head to their website to make a reservation.

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